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How to lock down MonTel so users MUST update calls

This topic applies to MonTel Client Version 2.3 beta onwards.

MonTel offers a way of locking MonTel so that once started, only the MonTel MonTel System Administrator can shut it down (And then only for all users). Once activated, the user cannot exit MonTel client and/or Notify, other than to swap between them. However, shutting down Windows, or re-logging as another users will shut MonTel down with out further user input.

In addition, the pop-up cannot be exited, moved, minimised or maximised, until the user has updated the call record - if the the cost of the call (as reported by MonTel) reaches or exceeds a threshold value. This value is set in the PABX.INI file in the MonTel application directory, in the security section.

DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold = 0.1.

The Default = 0.00. If set to any value greater than 0.00 then MonTel will not allow the user to exit MonTel at all, and not allow the user to exit the Info box when it pops up unless; The call record has been updated and charged to a matter or client code (not None), or if the cost of the call is under the threshold amount specified. For example; if DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold = 0.26, then all calls of more than 25 cents will need to be updated before the Info Box can be exited.

The requirement to charge the call to a matter or client, will depend on which PMA system is used. For Solution 6, at least the Client code is required, which will then selected a matter code. For Open Practice a matter code is required, which will then select a client code.

There is no way to exit an individual user one MonTel has been started with DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold set to any value greater than 0.

The MonTel System Administrator can exit all users by setting AllowOnlyAdminToUseMontel=2 in the [Program] section of the PABX.INI file.
