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These are settings that relate to client database. Items in this section will be overridden by Defaults.INI if AlwaysUseDefaults=1 in the PABX.INI file. Therefore it might be possible to create a situation where the MonTel client loops the creation of the local client database at start up, if the values here are in consistent with those in the PABX.INI file. See TROUBLE SHOOT: Local Client Database fails to create or creation loops for more information.

The "Display Order" selections affect which pre-compiled SQL statement is used to sort a list to be displayed (usually in a drop down box).


Used by: Toolbar, Notify.



This setting is used as the default for the "Auto Reload If Code Changes" check box in the client or contact form. When set to 1 it bypasses the prompt asking the user if they are changing or editing the name of the contact or the client code. This way as user can change to a new client or contact with out being prompted as when AutoReloadIfCodeOrNameChanges=1 MonTel will always load a new client or contact.


Used by: Toolbar, Notify.



This forces contact names and other names to be in proper case. For example, if I typed "DAVID MORRIS", then montel would correct this to "David Morris". Note that MonTel is NOT clever enough to know about capital letters that might appear in the middle of names, or in other circumstances.


Used by: Toolbar, Notify.



This is a flag for the sort order of client codes and client names. Use the menu to change these.

If 0 then the list will be sorted by code, if 1 then it will be sorted by name.


Used by: Toolbar, Notify.



This is a flag for the sort order of matter/job codes and matter/job descriptions. Use the menu to change these.

If 0 then the list will be sorted by code, if 1 then it will be sorted by description.


Used by: Toolbar, Notify.



This is a flag for the sort order of codes and Use the menu to change these.

DisplayOrderOfName can be set to any value 0 through 3, which correspond respectively to Title, Last, First and middle.


Used by: Toolbar, Notify.



This is a flag for the sort order of codes and Use the menu to change these.

If 0 then the list will be sorted by code, if 1 then it will be sorted by description. This value does not apply to names or clients or matters which have separate values.


Used by: Client.



This is the setting in the MONTEL.INI file that tells montel where to link to the client database. If the entry is not present MonTel will attempt to recreate the LOCAL Client Database. This is not a problem, as the local client database is mostly just links to the Master Client Database. This is one way to force the recreation of the Local client database if required.


Used by: Client.


UpdateLocalDBDailyOnStart = 0

Default = 0. If this is set then the Local Client Data Base will recreated (updated) each day when the user starts (it will not update more than every 16 hours with this setting unless forced through other actions).

This setting might be used as a debugging aid on troublesome Workstation which regularly seem to corrupt Jet Engine Databases.


Used by: Client.


UpdateLocalDBOnEveryStart = 0

Default = 0. If this is set then the Local Client Data Base will recreated (updated) each time MonTel of Notify is restarted. Strictly this isn't true, it will not update the Local client database if it was been updated within the last two minutes.

This setting might be used as a debugging aid on troublesome Workstation which regularly seem to corrupt Jet Engine Databases.
