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The Auto export section was originally designed by Monex32.exe in a batch file to automatically export the call record disbursements from the MonTel Client Database to a text file to the Monitor Business Machines System. Monex has been extended so that it can be export to other accounting systems. See How to Use Monex.

In addition this section is also used by the Server (keys all start with Server) to auto export call records to a text file with no user interaction. See How to use server auto export.

This section is now used by MonexSv as the replacement from Monex.


Used by: MonexSV.

Version 2.11.4 onwards

Max length: 30 characters


AutoExportServiceComputerName = PC7

AutoExportServiceComputerName is the name of the computer on which the the MonTel Auto export service (MonexSV) is running. See also AutoExportServiceLoginName.

This field overrides DefaultServiceComputerName.


Used by: MonexSV.

Version 2.11.4 onwards

Max length: 30 characters


AutoExportServiceLoginName = FS1\MonTel

AutoExportServiceLoginName is the Domain\login name setting for the network account user name for MonTel Auto export service (MonexSV) on a network. Since this account needs to be a network account to access files on the network it requires the domain name as well. You cannot (or should not) use the local system account for MonTel services. See also AutoExportServiceComputerName.

This field overrides DefaultServiceLoginName.


Used by: MonExSv.

Version 2.11.7 onwards.


AutoExportPipeTextOut= 0

When AutoExportPipeTextOut = 1 the MonTel Server Console or Service will send the screen information by a "named pipe" to the relevant MonTel Service Manager program (MTAdmin) which will allow the MonTel supervisor to be able to monitor the service from their local PC. This is the over rides the general default setting DefaultPipeTextOut.


Used by: MonExSv.

Version 2.11.7 onwards.


AutoExportPipeInstances= 5

By default AutoExportPipeInstancesis set to 5, which is the maximum value. This can be reduced to limit the number of external connections to a Server, or to reduce network traffic. If it is set to 0 then the Text out pipe is turned off.

A pipe instance is one channel between a MonTel service or console application and the Service manager, which is acting as a graphical user interface for the application. One channel or pipe is used for each open Service manager.

The text pipe is screen information sent by a "named pipe" to the relevant MonTel Service manager (MTAdmin). This is the over rides the general default setting DefaultPipeInstances.


Used by: LogSvc (for MonexSV).

Version 2.11.7 onwards.


AutoExportRecoverWaitTimes = 5,10,82

This settings is a comma delimited list of time in seconds that LogSvc.exe should pause before restarting a service. LogSvc.exe is passed the failure count by the service control system in Windows and chooses the pause in the list in order of the failure count, with the last time being repeated for subsequent failures.

To prevent LogSvc.exe from restarting the service, set the value to a negative number.

The default is the value in DefaultServiceRecoverWaitTimes. This setting over rides the general default setting DefaultServiceRecoverWaitTimes. By default DefaultServiceRecoverWaitTimes is set to 5, 82.


Used by: Monex??

Version 2.10.0 Onwards (however, inactivated in EdIni)

2.11.1 onwards: Used by MonexSv.exe

Value: 0 or 1


AutoExportIterateThroughGroups = 0

If AutoExportIterateThroughGroups is set to 1 then each time MonexSv it will check the groups settings to find additional ClientDBs and Auto Export information to use.

These options are designed to use in a situation where there might be multiple clients sharing a PABX.


Used by: MonexSv, ParsOut.

Max length: 140 characters


AutoExportFilePathName = "F:\APPS\MONITOR\DATA\Monitor.txt"

The path and file location of the text file that Monex32 uses as a default is none is specified in the command line.

2.11.11 onwards: Used also by MonexSv.exe


Used by: MonexSv, ParsOut.

Version 2.11.02 onwards

Range: 0 - 1.


AutoExportAppendDate= 0

If this value is set to 1 then a date value (and other values) is appended to the AutoExportFilePathName. This allows an export file to be built with a name based on the date. The date value is found in the AutoExportDateFormat setting.


Used by: MonexSv, ParsOut.

Version 2.11.02 onwards

Max length: 80 characters


AutoExportDateFormat = "_%y-%m-%d"

When AutoExportAppendDate is set to 1, the string generated by the values above is appended to the file name. The format can be any string values up to 80 characters in length and can include the following special formatted characters:

A percentage character - %
Abbreviated weekday name
Full weekday name
Abbreviated month name
Full month name
Date and time
Two-digit day of month (01 - 31)
Two-digit hour (00 - 23)
Two-digit hour (01 - 12)
Three-digit day of year (001 - 366)
Two-digit month as a decimal number (1 - 12)
Two-digit minute (00 - 59)
AM or PM
Two-digit second (00 - 59)
Two-digit week number where Sunday is the first day of the week (00 - 53)
Weekday where 0 is Sunday (0 - 6)
Two-digit week number where Monday is the first day of week the week (00 - 53)
Two-digit year without century (00 to 99)
Year with century


Used by: Client (specifically Monex32.exe)


AutoExportCostThreshHold = 0.00

The call cost threshold for call records to be included in the (Monex32 only) export. Calls with errors count as and are exported as 0.00.

2.11.11 onwards: Used also by MonexSv.exe

2.12.1 onwards: Used Only by MonexSv.exe


Used by: Client (specifically MonexSv.exe)

2.11.1 onwards: Used by MonexSv.exe


AutoExportTime = "23:45:00"

The specific time of day for a Auto Export (using the Auto Export Service). This is used instead of AutoExportFrequency, and allows you to specify a specific time of day at which time MonexSv should un-pause itself and export all un-posted and chargeable records meeting the AutoExportCostThreshHold amount. AutoExportRoundFrequency is ignored.

This item will be ignored if AutoExportFrequency has a value set (above 0).

2.10.18 This setting is included in EdIni32 for 2.10.x but is unused. Its inclusion allows sites testing components of Version 2.11.x to maintain the same PABX.INI file settings.


Used by: Client (specifically MonexSv.exe)

Value range: 0 to 86400

2.11.1 onwards: Used by MonexSv.exe


AutoExportFrequency = 3660

The number of seconds between Auto Exports (using the Auto Export Service). This is used instead of AutoExportTime, and allows you to specify the frequency at which should un-pause itself and export all un-posted and chargeable records meeting the AutoExportCostThreshHold amount. AutoExportRoundFrequency will round this time to the start of nearest whole period.

A value in this item will over-ride any supplied value in the AutoExportTime item.

A value of 0 will cause MonexSv.exe not to pause at all. A value of 1 is the equivalent of not pausing, though this would be unnecessarily expensive as an ODBC connection will be made across the network each second.

2.10.18 This setting is included in EdIni32 for 2.10.x but is unused. Its inclusion allows sites testing components of Version 2.11.x to maintain the same PABX.INI file settings.


Used by: Client (specifically MonexSv.exe)

2.11.1 onwards: Used by MonexSv.exe


AutoExportRoundFrequency = 1

By default this value is 0. When set (that is 1) and AutoExportFrequency is greater than 0, it will take the value in AutoExportFrequecy, and modify it so that the next export actually the start of the next rounded down period if that period is and hour or a day. For example if AutoExportFrequency=3600 (3600 seconds in an hour), then AutoExportRoundFrequency=1 will cause the next Auto Export to be at the top of the hour (e.g. 03:00:00 AM rather than 03:17:23 AM. Likewise if AutoExportFrequency greater than or equal to 86400 then the Auto export will take place at midnight.

AutoExportRoundFrequency will not round down to periods greater than a day.

2.10.18 This setting is included in EdIni32 for 2.10.x but is unused. Its inclusion allows sites testing components of Version 2.11.x to maintain the same PABX.INI file settings.


Used by: Server.


ServerAutoExport = 0

If set to 1 the MonTel server will generate a text file in the location and file name specified in ServerAutoExportFilePathName below.


Used by: Server.

Max length: 128 characters


ServerAutoExportFilePathName = "F:\APPS\MONITOR\DATA\Server.txt"

The path and file location of the text file that the MonTel server generates for each chargeable call record.


Used by: Server.

Max length: 8 characters


ServerAutoDisbursmentCode = ""

The Disbursement code for telephones (e.g. TEL) to be included in the export file.


Used by: Server.


ServerAutoCostThreshold = 0.00

The call cost threshold for call records to be included in the export. Calls with errors count as and are exported as 0.00.


Used by: Server.

Server Version 1.2.183 onwards


ServerAutoExportFormat = 0

The format for the Server Auto Export. The choice is either 0 for Monitor DOS format, or 1 for Monitor 32bit format, or 1024 so if the pin number is greater than 0, then the Primary number or staff number is the pin number rather than the default extension. The default is 0.

For more information see Export Format settings table.


Used by: Server.

Server Version 1.2.185 onwards


ServerAutoExportOnlyUpdated = 0

When set to 1, only call records exported with an account code (or Pin Number) are recorded in the ServerAutoExportFilePathName. The default is 0.
