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For more information about the settings in this topic and other security issues see:


Used by: InstMon & SecWiz.


SecurityLevelReference = 0

This value has no effect on the MonTel Client or Server. Instead it is used a reference marker to best describe the last security settings of the administrator, for setting security options in the wizard, or when applying a new update to MonTel.

There are six levels of security. These are NONE, NORMAL, MODERATE, VERY HIGH, SEVERE, and CUSTOM.

The idea of a security level is only designed as a short cut or mnemonic for a number of different settings in MonTel and the only time this is used to change other settings is when running the Setup Wizard.

So this means that changing this setting is EdIni or by had after the setup wizard has been run will have no effect at all.

Following is a breakdown of what the specific sections really mean.

0 - Security Level NONE

1 - Security Level NORMAL

2 - Security Level MODERATE

3 - Security Level VERY HIGH

4 - Security Level SEVERE

5 - Security Level CUSTOM
