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PABX.INI Reference

Section in this INI file





















The PABX.INI file is the key configuration element of the MonTel system, and is used by both the Server and the Client programs. Most work on the PABX.INI file is done at installation, but the settings may need to be changed to add or remove users or update or include new features.

Editing the PABX.INI file directly can save time if you are entering a lot of new users as it is plain "vanilla" text file that can be modified by any text editor. "Edit" that comes with MS-DOS Version 5 (or later), or Notepad for Windows (most versions) is perfectly acceptable. Programs such as WordPad, MS Word or others that insert formatting code should not be used.

If you use have to use word pad or some other editor, be very careful to save the file as text without any formatting.

The format of a PABX.INI file is just like the familiar Windows 3 "INI" files. There are a number of sections, (or section titles) delineated by square brackets, and a number of entries. Each entry has a variable name, usually an equals sign, and then the values that are to be assigned to that variable. For example to add a user, you would need to find the user section, and add the line (or entry): "User = David, 242", where the user name is David and the extension number is 242. When a MonTel program is run (whether it is PABXSERV or PABXUSER), the PABX.INI file is loaded and each user is read in, line by line. Following is an explanation of the variables in the PABX.INI file.
