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Monex32 reports update times only in a 12 hour clock

On some systems (only noticed on Windows 95) Monex32 may export to the Monitor Business Systems the time of update in a 12 hour format rather than the expected 24 hour format, resulting in calls in the afternoon being recorded as 12 hours earlier.

For example a call record may be exported as having the second field (the time of update) as 04:09:00, rather than the correct time shown below:

"24/10/01","16:09:00","Ukn","100971","APBX","ADVANC","0","000133",".59","P1800681551","7020 (David) phoned on 16/07/01 14:54:00","0","0","AUDIT"

The cause is that in the Regional Settings applet in Control Panel requires that the AM and PM symbols are present, even if the Time System is HH:mm:ss (24 hour time).

This is not a coding issue, as the Monex32 program correctly refers back to the operating system to retrieve the correct time and date formats.
