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Security Level NORMAL

The user is free to modify their background settings with in limits, and has access to all areas of MonTel not limited to the MonTel Administrator or Receptionist, except the ability to modify employees, Partners. They can make non chargeable call records and MonTel will not stay on top of other applications.

MonTelOnTop = 0

AlwaysUseDefaults = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingBackground = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingContacts = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingClients = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingMatters = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingDisbursments = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingActivities = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingPartners = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingAddresses = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingEmployees = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingDepartments = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingChargeCheckbox = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingCost = 0

PreventUsersFromDeletingUpdates = 0

PreventUsersFromModifingPhoneNumbers = 0

PreventUsersFromTerminatingClients = 0

PreventUsersFromTerminatingDisbursments = 0

PreventUsersFromTerminatingMatters = 0

MaxmumMinimumThreshholdOfPopup = 0.00

ClientAndMatterMustBeAssociated = 1

DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold = 0.00

AllowUpdatingOfNonChargableCalls = 1

ForceQueuePopupsWhileMonTelIsOff = 0

ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate = {default}

ForceQueueOnlyFromLastUpdatedRecord = {default}

ForceAllCodesToCase = {default}
