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How to install the MonTel Server as a Service and use all the features (summary in 10 steps).

This topic is only a summary of the actions that need to be taken to have a the MonTel Server acting as a Service. For more complete information see: How to run MonTel Server as a Service on Windows 2000.

  1. The MonTel Server as a Service should only be installed on Windows NT, 2000, XP or 2003 computers. It is not able to function correctly on Win9x or WinMe systems. It should only be installed and these changes made, after the ServerCN (the console version has been show to be working correctly.
  2. Modify the PABX.INI file so that in the [MonTelServer] section: MonTelServerLogin and MonTelServerComputerName are correct for the computer account and computer name on which the service is to run. Or (2.11.4 onwards) use the DefaultServiceComputerName and DefaultServiceLoginName settings in the program section.
  3. To enable the Named Pipe output of the MonTel Server Console or Service applications the following value has to be set in the PABX.INI file in the [MonTel Server] section: TextOutViaPipe = 1.
  4. In the [Directory] section OutputMainDataPath and OutputUsersPath need to be changed to UNC paths. (But only those settings).
  5. In the [Program] (for version 2.9) or [MonTelServer] (for version 2.10 onwards) section set ExitServerIfINIisUpdated = 2, so that an update to the PABX.INI file will cause the server to change internally rather than externally via a batch file.
  6. Test that the ServerCN is still running once these changes have been made to make sure the UNC paths are correct, and all other settings are correct.
  7. Open a DOS Box (console prompt) on the computer which will run the service in the MonTel Application directory and on the command line enter: (for version before 2.10.18) "ServerSV INSTALL [Password]" where [Password] is the password for the specified account in the PABX.INI file (don't include the square brackets). (For version 2.10.18 onwards) "ServerSV INSTALL". you will be prompted for the password for the specified account in the PABX.INI file.
  8. Open the Service's applet, and check that the Service has been installed. It would be a good idea to check the account details, and re-enter the account password, to make sure that was entered correctly.
  9. Start MtAdmin.exe. (Previous versions would have used svcman.exe) With suitable network permissions it is possible to run MtAdmin.exe from a remote machine and still control the ServerSV service.
  10. Use MtAdmin.exe to start the Service.
