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This section is designed for items that exclusively affect the Popup or display InfoBoxes.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.11.10

Range: 0 - 600. WARNING: Do no use values outside this range.


DelayPopupStart= 0

DelayPopupStartis the number of seconds that notify (or PopupVB) is delayed on start up. The only time this setting might be useful, in in the event of a users computer having so many heavy applications being started at the same time, and you want notify to be delayed until those are out of the way.

Note that if the Local client database needs to be updated, Notify will pause twice using this value, effectively doubling the start up time.

An example of where this setting might be useful. A users computer loads up Lotus Notes, Solution 6 (A large accounting package) and a document management system when it first starts, and ForceUpdateLocalDBDailyOnStart = 1. In this case a setting of 60 seconds, will give a delay of 60 seconds before Notify uses the network and the local computer extensively for about 10 (as it update the local client database. There will not be an additional delay when updating the local client database.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.11.13 onwards

0 or 1


RunFromLocalMachine = 1

If set to 1, then, when Notify32.exe is loaded, it will look for the local copy of the popup (popupvb.exe) on the local computer. If it is not present or is an older version, Notify32 will copy the network copy to the local computer. The network path local path is the MonTel Application Folder (and the file name POPUPVB.EXE) but can be specified in PopupNetPathFileName. The popup application will then run from the local computer, saving some network traffic, and running a tad faster.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.12.0 onwards

0 or 1


ShowSplashScreen = 1

If set to 0, then, when Notify32.exe is loaded, it not load the splash screen. By default this is set to 1.

It can be overwritten by using a command line for notify of /NOLOGO to not load the splash screen of /SHOWSPLASH to show the splash screen.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.11.14 onwards

Max length: 128 characters


PopupLocalPath = "\\server\share\MonTel App path\"

PopupLocalPathFileName defaults to 'C:\MONTEL\APPS\'.

Changing PopupLocalPath allows an alternative name to be used for the location of the local copy of the popup application and PABX32.DLL when RunFromLocalMachine is set to 1. The trailing backslash is optional.

This item has been renamed from PopupLocalPathFilename, where it also included the name of the file. It should now ONLY include the path.
