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Western Australian Daylight Savings Time changes for 2006

This year (2006) Western Australia will begin a three year trial period of Daylight Savings Time (DST). In years beyond 2006 DST will be synchronised with the eastern states, though, this year it will start later than the other states on December 3.

MonTel stores call start and end time information in universal time or GMT, therefore it is important to have all the computers in the organisation showing the correct or at least the same time-zone information.

The PABX.INI file should be changed to the following values. (Use EdIni32.exe.)

CapitalCity = "Perth"
TimeZoneName = "WA DST Trial 2006"
TZStandardName = "(AUS) Western Standard Time"
TZDaylightName = "(AUS) Western Daylight Time"
TZStandardGMTModifyMins = -480
TZDaylightStartDateTime = "02:00:00 03/12/06"
TZDaylightEndDateTime = "03:00:00 26/03/06"
TZDaylightSTDModifyMins = -60

To have the changes for MonTel also automatically update all client computers add or set the item CheckWIN32TimeZone = 1 and SetUserFeedbackLevel = 3. If the time-zone information does not match (date and time start and stop and the two modify Mins settings) then the user will be prompted to have MonTel automatically update their Windows Time Zone settings. (The SetUserFeedbackLevel is so users can see the changes happening).
