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How to install the netwiz Root CA certificate

As detailed in the Digital Signature Certificate Policy netwiz is experimenting with digital signatures. For this purpose we have generated a self signed Root CA certificate, that can be used to very other signatures which in turn can verify that code has not been altered. See the Digital Signature Certificate Policy page for the download location of this Root CA certificate.

See also How to turn off "Open File - Security warning" messages on the local network.

On a networked PC running Windows XP Service Pack 2, when running the MonTel Setup wizard or installation program from a network drive, (depending on the settings in internet explorer, yes, InterNet Explorer) you might see a warning message like:

Open File - Security Warning

If you install the Netwiz Root CA certificate you would instead see a somewhat more friendly warning like this:

Open File - Security warning (certificate found)

Installing the certificate

Open the certificate clicking OK to the Open File - Security Warning you might get as detailed above.


The certificate should look like this picture.

If you click on the details tab, and scroll to the bottom of the list of items, you will find a setting called Thumbprint. Compare the value in the certificate to see if it matches the thumbprint as displayed in the Digital Signature Certificate Policy web page.

Click the Install Certificate button and follow the wizards default settings.


Certificate Import Wizard

Certificate Store

Completing the Certificate Import Wizard

Security Warning

The Import was sucessful

Assuming that the import was successful for you too, you have now installed the Netwiz Root CA certificate.
