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MonTel Users

Topic creation date: 2008-04-18

There are two basics types of MonTel users and Normal MonTel user and a MonTel Administrator. However there are some other implicit security levels that allow you to have some finer granularity over user permission.

Normal MonTel User.

A normal user is the productive staff member who uses monTel to record telephone and perhaps other disbursement records, but is not involved in configuration, maintenance updates or running firm wide reports.

MonTel Administrator

A MonTel administrator is the person or persons who are charged with adding new users, running reports and who oversee the correct import and export of disbursement records. A MonTel administrator may also be involved in installation and updates, and perhaps also configuration of MonTel.

MonTel Reception rights

MonTel Receptionist or MonTel Reception rights are granted to Normal MonTel Users who need to view all telephone calls on the system. typically this might be a receptionist, but is often just a MonTel Administrator who is also responsible for running reports.

Other Security levels

MonTel also has some implicitly higher security levels that allow the MonTel setup program to be running when even MonTel administrators cannot use MonTel. These settings are handled automatically as part of running the Setup Wizards.
