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Topic creation date:2009-06-29

For version 2.12.22 onwards

This filter generates an export from MonTel (or ParsOut) to simulate or append to the Pcounter PCOUNTER.LOG file so that records can be imported in to third party systems for analysis or reporting.

ExportFilterName needs to be set to "Pcount.mef".

The export format:

The default export where the primary charge code code is "ClientCode", the optional secondary charge code is "MatterCode", and the Disbursement code is "TEL" is a comma delimited record with some fixed values (like A4) terminated with carriage return and linefeed.


ASCII comma delimited field names:

• DomainName\UserName

• Document name (Pcounter) or Accounting Operation (PAdmin)

• Printer name (Pcounter) or User performing transaction (PAdmin)

• Date

• Time

• Computer (from which printing or accounting transaction originated)

• Client code

• Subcode

• Paper size

• Features (Duplex, Number of copies)

• Size in bytes

• Page count

• Cost

• Account Balance

How the MonTel Pcount.mef filter users the fields

DomainName\UserName: If a DomainName can't be found then just the UserName is exported.

Document name (Pcounter): See ExportReportFormat values 4, 8 and 16 or 262144 below, otherwise if the type of record is a telephone or Fax then the number dialled (including the privacy option is used, otherwise the disbursement description (not the disbursement code) is used.

Printer name (Pcounter): See ExportReportFormat value 128 or 65536 below, otherwise disbursement code.

Date: See ExportReportFormat values 1, 2 (and 1048576) below, otherwise Australian date format (D-M-Y). This is the date of start time of the Disbursement (for example stat of telephone call). If ExportReportFormat includes 1048576, then this is the date of Entry of the Disbursement.

Time: HH:MM:SS in a 24 hour clock format. This is the start time of the Disbursement (for example stat of telephone call). If ExportReportFormat includes 1048576, then this is the time of Entry of the Disbursement.

Computer: See ExportReportFormat value 256 and 32768 below, otherwise the Station or extension of the user in the same format as appears in the call record display.

Client code: If the MatterClientRelationship in the [System] section of the PMA.INI file = MATTER_FIND_CLIENT or MUST_HAVE_MATTER and no MUST_HAVE_CLIENT is specified (that is 8 or 1) then Client code is the Matter code in MonTel. Otherwise it is the Client code in MonTel.

Subcode: This field will be blank when MatterClientRelationship is less than or equal to 2. If the MatterClientRelationship in the [System] section of the PMA.INI file is 8 then the Subcode is the MonTel Client Code, otherwise it is the Matter code.

Paper size: See ExportReportFormat value 512 below, otherwise if the disbursement record is for a telephone call it will be TEL. For other values of TypeOfDisburseCall the filter will attempt to match according to the table below:













COUR (Courier)


MAIL (Postage)









Features (Duplex, Number of copies): The filter will add a timestamp (/Ts=%lX) based on the date and time of the event, that is the beginning on the telephone call. If ExportReportFormat includes the value 2097152 then time-stamp will be the time of entry of the Disbursement (which may actually be days later).

In the event MonTel is also handling the relevant Disbursment typyes and the TypeOfDisburseCall is COLOUR then /Cg is appended, and if the TypeOfDisburseCall is DUPLEX then /D is appended. Append /Cp=1 (Copies=1) to the special features field if ExportReportFormat includes 2048.

See ExportReportFormat value 1024 below for not seeing the internal pcounter job type. If 1024 is added then the internal jobtype is undefined. Otherwise, the Internal Pcounter job type (Js=x in the feature field) will be set according to the values in the Pcount.ini file that match the TypeOfDisburseCall. Typically this means JobTypeTelephone, which by default is 999. If not set then the JobType=UnknownPrint in Pcounter.

Thefile specified in ExportIniFilePathName in the [Export] section of the PMA.INI file, typically PCOUNT.INI will hold the the translation of MonTel TypeOfDisburseCall into Pcounter internal job types in the [Export] section. The defaults are specified in this sample below:

JobTypeDefault = 999
JobTypePrint = 1
JobTypePhotocopy = 2
JobTypeScan = 2
JobTypeFax = 1
JobTypeEmail = 997
JobTypeInternet = 996
JobTypeTelephone = 998
JobTypeCourier = 995
JobTypeMail = 994
JobTypeOther = 993

Size in bytes: The duration of the call in seconds. See ExportReportFormat 16384 to set it to blank (counts as 0).

Page count: See 4096 & 8192 in the ExportReportFormat table below. Otherwise is will be 1, unless the export is a summary only export, in which case the number of transaction in the group.

Cost: The cost of the telephone call or disbursement as recorded by the user.

Account Balance: always 0.00.


ExportReportFormat is found in the export section of the PMA.INI file. Setting ExportReportFormat will allow the following modifications to the export. ExportReportFormat is a bit field format, allowing multiple options by adding up the values in the ExportReportFormat column.

Default values, including australian date format (D-M-Y)
European date format (Y-M-D)
USA date format (M-D-Y)
Document name (second field) is the call type (LOCAL, STD et all), otherwise the default is the DisbursmentDescription. (This overrides 8 below)
Document name (second field) is the DisbursmentCode. (This overrides 16 below)
Document name (second field) is the Call record Number or the Disbursement record number. (This overrides 262144 below)
If the client or subcode field has the value "(None)" then the field is exported as blank.
Filter out all characters other than &',-./= and spaces, Alphabetical upper and lower case and Digits.
Printer name (third field) becomes the EmployeeCode, Login, ExtensionNumber, Transaction PinNumber or Employee Pin number depending on the setting of the UseEmployeCode setting. (This overrides 131072 below).
Computer is "MonTel", the default is the Station (extension number) as shown in the call record that is, including the "ext:" or "opr:" station description.
Paper size is A4, A3 or A2 depending on the TypeOfDisburseCall. For practical purposes when exporting from MonTel this is going to mean A4. See above for the default value.
If set then the Internal Pcounter job type (Js=x in the feature field) will be not be set which will be displayed as JobType=UnknownPrint in Pcounter.
Append /Cp=1 (Copies=1) to the special features field.
Sets Page count to 1, regardless of the transaction count in MonTel.
Sets Page count to 0, regardless of the transaction count in MonTel.
See the size in bytes to blank, rather than the duration of the call in seconds.
Computer is Extension Number, without the "ext:" or "opr:" preceding characters.
Printer name (third field) becomes DisbursmentDescription.
Printer name (third field) becomes the CallRecordNumber. (This overrides 131072 below).
Document name (second field) is the DisbursmentDescription
Printer name (third field) becomes the telephone or Fax number dialled (including the privacy option is used, or the disbursement description (not the disbursement code) if another type of disbursement.
The date and time fields will be the date and time of entry of the Disbursement (which may actually be days later). By default it is the start date and time of the disbursement (For a telephone call the actual start date and time).
The time stamp in the features field will be the time of entry of the Disbursement (which may actually be days later). By default it is the start time of the disbursement (For a telephone call the actual start time).
