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How to install the MonTel demo/test on a single PC

Topic creation date:2009-08-25

For version 2.12.22 onwards

This application note applies only to setting up a single stand alone demonstration of MonTel interfacing with PCounter. These instruction steps are not intended for a live site.

  1. Make sure this is an XP pro machine. Win7 will work with some very minor issues in the client, these issues will likely be transparent on a demonstration, as all issues are visible only for installation updates. Vista has not been tested, but is likely to work as for Windows 7.
  2. Make sure that a license has been requested, and form has been filed out on the web site.
  3. will be sent by email in due course.
  4. Install the loop-back network adaptor if the computer is a standalone computer or will ever be running the MonTel demo while disconnected from the network. See How to install the Microsoft Loopback adapter in Windows XP.
  5. Download the latest MonTel executable (eg montel_2_12_22.exe) from the customer software download area on this website.
  6. Download the appropriate costing
  7. Download from this website.
  8. Download the Visual Fox pro ODBC drivers (VFPODBC.msi) from the Microsoft web site.
  9. Download SQL Server 2005 Express (and might be useful to grab the administrator as well) and place in a separate folder.
  10. Install PCounter as per normal into the default folders, and add any sample job codes to PCounter.
  11. Unzip and place in SQLEXPR32_inst.bat the same folder as the MS SQL Server 2005 downloads from the item above.
  12. Confirm you know the name of the Computer.
  13. Confirm that the installing user has full Admin rights.
  14. Run SQLEXPR32_inst.bat which will install the SQL Server in mixed mode with a an sa password of 'MonTelSys'. (See also How to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition).
  15. Run VFPODBC.msi to install the Visula Foxpro driver for MDAC 2.6 (XP doesn't have this by default, and is require for import from PCounter).
  16. Create a folder called C:\MT_DEMO. Make this fully network shared, so users can modify files (we would be tighter in a real site but here we just want it to show it working).
  17. Also create: C:\MT_DEMO\Apps\
  18. Also create C:\MT_DEMO\In-data\Pabx\
  19. Unzip into a new and separate folder (say C:\TEMP or on the desktop MT_SETUP). Do not unzip any zip files found within this archive (zip file).
  20. Run the install executable (e.g.) montel_2_12_22.exe.
  21. The MonTel Application folder is C:\MT_DEMO\Apps\. Enter this when prompted. And error will occur (because this is not a network location), and you will need to also add its network equivalent //{computer name}/MT_DEMO/Apps.
  22. Add the network paths, and generally say yes to prompts. Change the default users extension number from 99 to 300. Say yes to unzipping the two files asked. The services ServerSv, MonimpSv and MonexSv should be installed. The databases should be created easily if you have use the setup above.
  23. Complete the Wizard. Continue if no other errors occurred.
  24. Open C:\MT_DEMO\Apps\pabx.INI in NOTEPAD.EXE. Add the users from user.ini in the file to the
  25. When finished add the 3 lines starting with USER in the user.ini file to the default user created by the install, using cut and paste to place them directly after user created by the install wizards. You should now have 4 users. Save the INI file and exit notepad.
  26. The FAKE PABX is a an NDK9000, and is setup in C:\MT_DEMO\Apps\rawgen. Change the properties in shortcut file 'rawgen32.exe' to change the frequency of calls in the FAKE PABX as directed by netwiz support. The shortcut runs rawgen which is a text mode program is used for testing which pumps out random call records waiting a random time of up to 10 seconds.
  27. Run C:\MT_DEMO\Apps\mtadmin.exe, open the server service control manager and start the service. Start rawgen from the shortcut and check that call records are being received.
  28. If everything works, install the client using out of the C:\MT_DEMO\Apps\setup32\setup.exe. It will make you reboot the machine. The setup should be complete when the machine reboots.
