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Used by: Client.


ForceAllLocalDBToHaveTheSamePath = 0

Default = 0. If this is set then the users will not be prompted for the path of the LOCALDB, and it will be installed into LocalDatabaseLocation


Used by: Client.

Max length: 128 characters


LocalDatabaseLocation = C:\Montel\LOCAL

The default path of the Local Client DB (which acts as a cache only to the client DB. This can be changed by the user when being set up for the first time unless the ForceAllLocalDBToHaveTheSamePath = 1.


Used by: Client.


TSUserAddsUserNameToLocalPath = 0

Default = 0. This setting is likely to only be used for a "terminal services" client. In some instances the terminal services system has been configured so that no drive is mapped (rooted) to a local path that is unique for each user. In this case the local path is on the Terminal Services server, since that is where the back end processing (in this case the Jet DLLs) for the client is taking place.

Since most users are likely to have Montel open, they will need to have their own local client database. This settings adds the user name to the LocalDatabaseLocation.

In most Terminal Services configurations a "local to the server" and private path is likely to be present, so it would be unlikely that this setting will be required.


Used by: Client.


FileLockBackOffRetries = 5

If a File lock is reported when updating the Master Client Database, rather than reporting an error immediately, MonTel backs off for a short random time, and tries again for the number of times specified in FileLockBackOffRetries (default is 5) - before reporting an error an allowing the user to try again.


Used by: Client.


AutoDisconectionThreshold = 20

If this number is greater than the number of used license slots in the user section (below), the client program will open the client data base when it is performing an operation, rather than holding it open all the time. By closing the database when not in use, it allows more than the 255 maximum users connected to the Jet database, by assuming that not all use will be simultaneous, and some file locking back off. This will affect performance, degrading it, by forcing an open and close database with every operation, yet improving it by not having to check a large file locking database of concurrent users, as this file will naturally be a lot smaller. For small numbers of users (say under 20 the default) it would be reasonable to suspect the trade off is not worth it. For more than 255 users, it is compulsory. Having AutoDisconectionThreshold lower than the number of used license slots may also reduce database corruption risks, as there is less chance that a random crash on the client computer will affect the ClientDB. Better network performance and client computers, will allow a higher threshold. Please note that this an all or nothing setting. Either all users will auto disconnect or none. To force it, set the threshold to 0. There are two side effects. Firstly, it might be possible for a system administrator to obtain an exclusive file lock, while users are still using the software. (This will result in an error message asking the user to re-try, or exit montel). Secondly, is possible that the database might be closed by one action, before another is complete. In this case an error message will occur, prompting the user to reconnect.


Used by: Client.

Max length: 8 characters


DisplayMessageOnLocalUpdate = 0

DisplayMessageOnLocalUpdate = 1 is a feature added to help in trouble shooting problems with the local client database when setting up a MonTel client. Full details can be found in the trouble shooting topic : Local Client Database fails to create or creation loops.


Used by: Client.


ForceUpdateLocalDBDailyOnStart = 0

Default = 0. If this is set then the Local Client Data Base will recreated (updated) each day when the user starts (it will not update more than every 16 hours with this setting unless forced through other actions).

This setting might be used as a debugging aid on troublesome Workstation which regularly seem to corrupt Jet Engine Databases.


Used by: Client.


ForceUpdateLocalDBOnEveryStart = 0

Default = 0. If this is set then the Local Client Data Base will recreated (updated) each time MonTel of Notify is restarted. Strictly this isn't true, it will not update the Local client database if it was been updated within the last two minutes.

This setting might be used as a debugging aid on troublesome Workstation which regularly seem to corrupt Jet Engine Databases.


Used by: Client.

Max length: 8 characters


HideUpdateWindow = 0

When HideUpdateWindow = 1 the Local Client Update update windows (the progress bar) is not shown and the local update proceeds in the background.


Used by: Client.

V2.9.0 pre-release 44 Onwards


DontUseMonTelNotes = 0

Default = 0. If this is set then the Note fields in the Client Contact, Matter and InfoBox popup will be hidden or disabled, and Notes (or Memos) will not be updated to the Master Client Database. (Experimental for v2.9.0 pre-release 44).


Used by: Client.

Version 2.9.x Onwards


ODBCDriver = "SQL Server"

The is the name of the ODBC Driver that connects to the MonTel Master Client Database on the SQL Server. In the first instance this can only be "SQL Server" for MS SQL Server, and MSDE.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.9.54 Onwards

Max length: 8 characters (depending on operating system)


DatabaseServerName = FS1

For MS SQL 7 and MSDE this is the is the name of the file server on which the SQL Server Relational Database Management System that holds the MonTel Master client database is located.

For MSDE 2.0, SQL Server 2000, SQL 2005 and variants it is the of the file server and the instance of the SQL Server.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.17 Onwards

Max length: 256 characters (depending on operating system)


DataFileLocationOnServer= c:\mssql7\data\

DataFileLocationOnServer is the location of the SQL data files as seen by (or on) the SQL Server. For MSDE 1.0 and MS SQL Server 7 this is "c:\mssql7\data\". (Note the trailing back slash). This value will be different for MSDE 2.0 and later version of MS SQL Server.

This setting is only used when setting up the Master Client Database (or the Call record Database) on the SQL Server for the first time. It is otherwise just a reference. The setting can be modified in the SQL login screen, and so is also not required for installation.

It has been included so that you don't need to re-enter this value in the event that logging on to the SQL Server or otherwise obtaining the initial connection is proving problematic.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.9.54 Onwards

Max length: 8 characters (depending on operating system)


DatabaseNetworkDLL = Dbmssocn

This setting is used to debug a local computer that seems to have trouble getting its ODBC driver to connect to the SQL server. It selects the network library to use for the MonTel connection. This setting should be left blank by default.

Here is the full list of settings for the setting DatabaseNetworkDLL in the [ClientDB] section of the PABX.INI file.

"Dbmssocn ; TCP/IP sockets Net Library",
"Dbnmpntw ; Named pipes",
"Dbmsrpcn ; Multiprotocol",
"Dbmsspxn ; Novell SPX/IPX",
"Dbmsvinn ; Banyan Vines",
"Dbmsdecn ; DECNet",
"Dbmsadsn ; AppleTalk"

This setting may fix a situation where the network used, does not support the default library installed by MDAC. This may occur if say the site had upgraded from a Netware server to a Windows 2000 server. Version 2.9.61 of the client will be out later in the week, and will include these settings.

If you use the TCP/IP sockets Net Library, then you may also need to set the DatabaseNetworkAddress.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.9.54 Onwards

Max length: 8 characters (depending on operating system)


DatabaseNetworkAddress = Netwiz1

This setting is used to debug a local computer that seems to have trouble getting its ODBC driver to connect to the SQL server. It selects the network address of the server to use for the MonTel connection. This setting should be left blank by default. It is likely that this setting is only relevant if TCP/IP sockets Net Library has been selected for DatabaseNetworkDLL. (That is DatabaseNetworkDLL = Dbmssocn)

A typical setting might be the DNS name of the computer, or the IP address. For example,1433. (The 1433 is the port used by SQL Server 7.0 or MSDE 1.0).


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.0 Onwards

Values 0 or 1


WindowsNTAuthenticationMode = 0

If WindowsNTAuthenticationMode=1 then when MonTel creates the Master Client Database, it does not create any user accounts, but rather relies on the users NT or Domain login to access the SQL Server. When this is the case the MonTelAdminGroup and MonTelUsersGroup must be specified, and set up by the network administrator ahead of time. In addition the user who runs MonTel for the first time must be both a MonTel Administrator (AdministratorOn) AND have system permission in the SQL Server.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters (depending on operating system)


MonTelAdminGroup = "DOMAIN/Administrators"

The is the name of the group that will have full permission to the MonTel Master Client Database on the SQL Server when it is created. This setting is only used when WindowsNTAuthenticationMode=1.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters (depending on operating system)


MonTelUsersGroup = "DOMAIN/Administrators"

The is the name of the group that will have permission to use the MonTel Master Client Database on the SQL Server when it is created. This setting is only used when WindowsNTAuthenticationMode=1.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.0 Onwards

Max length: 8 characters (depending on SQL Server/operating system)


MasterClientDBName = MONTELDB

The is the name of the master client database on the SQL Server.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.11.17 Onwards

Max length: 8 characters (depending on SQL Server/operating system)


CallRecordDBName = CALLREC

The name of the SQL used to collect call records from PABXDCR.DAT by SERSQLSV.EXE.


Used by: Monex or Monimp.

Version 2.10.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters (depending on operating system)


SQLBackupPath = "\\mtserver\Data\MonTel\ClientDB\SQLBu"

The is the path that the SQL Server (or MSDE) will use to create a backup of the database when Monex or Monimp is run, if AutoExportSQLBackUpMasterClientDB=1 or AutoImportSQLBackUpMasterClientDB=1 respectively. (Only one of those values should be set).

These options are designed to allow a backup of the Master Client Database to be sent to a place on the network that is regularly backed up, without having to stop the SQL Server.

Note that this is the path as seen by the SQL server, and NOT as seen by the PC running MONIMP or Monex.

If SQL Server has been set up using the Local System account, it will NOT have the ability to backup to locations over the network. So if a network location (from the perspective of the SQL Server), then the SQL Server service should be run with a domain user who has permission to save files on the computer in question. Since the SQL Server service will be running in its own user context it won't have paths mapped, and therefore a true user name path will be required.

The default is blank. If SQLBackupPath is blank then it will use the default backup disk directory located on the computer that contains the Master Client Database or the SQL Server.

On Microsoft SQL Server 2005 editions the default backup directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\MSSQL\Backup, where n is the number of the server instance. Therefore, for the default server instance, the default backup directory is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.

On Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000 this is the \MSSQL\BACKUP directory for default instances, and the \MSSQL$instancename\BACKUP directory for named instances.

On Microsoft SQL Server 7 and MSDE the default backup folder is \MSSQL7\BACKUP.


Used by: Client.

Max length: 128 characters



This entry is required so that the MonTel Client database (MS Jet engine) can read the ISAM32 section below. The value must be the path of this PABX.INI file.


Used by: Client.


UseFreeLocks = 0

Default = 1. If this is set (which is is by default) then periodically MonTel will idle the Jet engine and free any read locks. This setting may slightly improve performance in some situations.


Used by: Client.


UseFlushReadCache = 1

Default = 0. If this is set then periodically MonTel will idle the Jet engine and flush the read cache, which may help prevent any concurrecny issues, possibly at the expense of performance.


Used by: Client.


UseForceOSFlush = 1

Default = 0. If this is set then MonTel will idle the Jet engine and flush the write cache after all updates. This setting may improve multiuser performance, as read locks will be help for a shorter time.


Used by: Client.


UseNoDBIdle = 1

Default = 0. If this is set then MonTel will NOT idle the Jet engine, except in rare circumstance. This setting may help performance as the Jet engine uses separate threads for this purpose. It will also overwrite the effect of UseFreeLocks and UseFlushReadCache (effectively setting them it to 0).


Used by: Client.


UseForceMemoUpdates = 1

Default = 0. If this is set then MonTel will write memo fields (that is Notes) directly, rather than caching the results in memory. This setting may improve multi user performance, as it no longer checks read locks.
