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Used by: Client, Server.


Groups = NETWIZ_1, NETWIZ_2
NETWIZ_1.DefaultDepartmentCode = ""
NETWIZ_1.AutoExportFilePathName = "c:\pabxsd\monitor.txt"
NETWIZ_2.DefaultDepartmentCode = Tax
NETWIZ_2.AutoExportFilePathName = "c:\pabxsd\monitor.txt"

Each group as defined in "groups" above is the key for a number of settings that supersedes the defaults, if a user is assigned to a group. These settings are defined and are only a sub-set of the settings in the PABX.INI file. For example, the location of a group of users home directories may be located on a different path. In which case a setting of NETWIZ_1.OutputUsersPath = g:\users will overwrite the OutputUsersPath setting from the directories section for all users that are in the group NETWIZ_1.


Used by: Client, Server.


Groups = NETWIZ_1, NETWIZ_2

This is a list of up to 16 keys for files servers or volumes or just groups of users that the MonTel Server - (in Multi Server Mode) uses to allow user directories to be on different servers or volumes. The names do not have to correspond exactly to a specific file server name (though this is a good idea). It is also used to save space, or group entries that share some settings.

They are used as keys for the user's below to decide on which File Server/Volume the settings should be used.overwritten. As a general term they will be referred to from here on in as Group Key(s).


Used by: Server 1.2.161 onwards.


SplitAllCallsByGroup =1

If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then MonTel SERVER uses this to output a separate main data file for each group of users, and the MonTel Clients read all calls from the group rather than dir section.

Note that users can have a default group specified in the DEFAULT user entry.

Important Note: If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then all the group items must have the following values set: (GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath, (GROUP CODE).MainDataFileName (GROUP CODE).InternalDataFileName.

The combination of Path and file name cannot be the same as the equivalent values in the Directory section, as this will result in duplicate call records, and possible call record number corruption.

(GROUP CODE).MonTelApplicationPath

Used by: Client, Server.

Max length: 8 characters


FS1.MonTelApplicationPath = H:\Appln\Montel

While not apparently used, this entry is kept in the PABX.INI file as a useful reference mark for the application directory. See also ApplicationPath.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).DefaultDepartmentCode

Used by: Client, Server.

Max length: 8 characters


FS1.DefaultDepartmentCode = TAX

This is the default department (code) for each user when no specific department code is supplied. It over writes the DefaultDepartmentCode in the Departments section, but is in turn overwritten by the (DEPT) key if the user has a nominated department.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).UsersHomePath

Used by: Client, Server.

Max length: 128 characters


UsersHomePath = c:\pabxsd\data\home

Users home path as seen by the User Modules.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).UserAddsUserNameToPath

Used by: Client.


UserAddsUserNameToPath = 0

If this is set to one then the client appends the user name to the Users Home Path to find the "My Calls" data file.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).OutputUsersPath

Used by: Server.

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.OutputUsersPath = c:\pabxsd\users

MonTel SERVER adds the user's name to this path to output the user data files. The reason this is separate from the User Home Path, is that the drives may be mapped differently for users. For example the user's home path may be MAP ROOTED to F:\

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath

Used by: Server 1.2.161 onwards.

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.OutputMainDataPath = c:\pabxsd\data\main

If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then MonTel SERVER uses this to output the main data file for this group of users.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the overwrite values found else ware in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

Important Note: If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then all the group items must have the following values set: (GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath, (GROUP CODE).MainDataFileName (GROUP CODE).InternalDataFileName.

The combination of Path and file name cannot be the same as the equivalent values in the Directory section, as this will result in duplicate call records, and possible call record number corruption.

(GROUP CODE).MainDataFileName

Used by: Client, Server 1.2.161 onwards.

Max length: 12 characters


FS1.MainDataFilename = pabxdcr.dat

In the directory section MainDataFilename is File name of both the main and user call record files. Here it is used only with (GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath for all calls for groups.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

Important Note: If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then all the group items must have the following values set: (GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath, (GROUP CODE).MainDataFileName (GROUP CODE).InternalDataFileName.

The combination of Path and file name cannot be the same as the equivalent values in the Directory section, as this will result in duplicate call records, and possible call record number corruption.

(GROUP CODE).InternalDataFileName

Used by: Server 1.2.161 onwards.

Max length: 12 characters


FS1.InternalDataFileName = pabxdcr.dat

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

Important Note: If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then all the group items must have the following values set: (GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath, (GROUP CODE).MainDataFileName (GROUP CODE).InternalDataFileName.

The combination of Path and file name cannot be the same as the equivalent values in the Directory section, as this will result in duplicate call records, and possible call record number corruption.

(GROUP CODE).UpdateInternalDataInSeparateFile

Used by: Server 1.2.161 onwards.


FS1.UpdateInternalDataInSeparateFile = 0

If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then If UpdateInternalDataInSeparateFile is set to one then internal calls are stored separately from the in and out bound calls (in file name InternalDataFileName below).

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

Important Note: If SplitAllCallsByGroup =1 then all the group items must have the following values set: (GROUP CODE).OutputMainDataPath, (GROUP CODE).MainDataFileName (GROUP CODE).InternalDataFileName.

The combination of Path and file name cannot be the same as the equivalent values in the Directory section, as this will result in duplicate call records, and possible call record number corruption.

(GROUP CODE).UserHomeDirTruncatedTo

Used by: Client, Server.


UserHomeDirTruncatedTo = 0

Use this setting if all users names greater than the value set (typically 8) have home directories with the same name as the users name truncated to this number of characters. The Default of 0, causes no truncation to occur. Please note that since the MonTel server is a DOS program, home directories cannot exceed 8 characters.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded

Used by: Client, Server.


FS1.CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded = 0

If Set to 1 then the MonTel Server will create a new user directory if one does not exist in the OutputUsersPath is the Output Users Path for this Server or Volume. Please note, however, that User rights will NOT be set to the user will not be able to see the data unless otherwise set by the Network administrator.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).MainDataPath

Used by: Client.

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.MainDataPath = c:\pabxsd\data\main

The directory as seen by users who need to access all calls.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).NetworkOperatingSystem

Used by: Client, Server.


FS1.NetworkOperatingSystem = "Netware 3.11"

This entry is not currently used, however it is reserved for future use to allow MonTel to take advantage of Network specific features. The LOCAL is a mode used by a stand alone machine, and implies that the system must be DOS. LOCAL is used for testing only.

Note that this entry is the operating system of the NETWORK and NOT the local PC.

The currently supported choices are: "LOCAL" (for none), "Netware 3.1x", "Netware 4.x" , "Netware 5.x", "Windows 9x", "Windows for WorkGroups", "Windows NT 3.1*", "Windows NT 3.5*", "Windows NT 4.*" or "Windows 2000".

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoExportFilePathName

Used by: Client.

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.AutoExportFilePathName = "F:\APPS\MONITOR\DATA\Monitor.txt"

The path and file location of the text file that Monex32 uses as a default is none is specified in the command line.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoExportCostThreshHold

Used by: Client.



The call cost threshold for call records to be included in the (Monex32 only) export. Calls with errors count as and are exported as 0.00.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoImportFilePathName

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)

Max length: 128 characters



File and path name of the import text file. Multiple file import. Foe multiple file import, don't use the two entries above. Rather repeat the entries but with a digit appended to the key to match the type of import record.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoTypeOfImportRecord

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)



Corresponds to the number in the ".INF" file for the accounting/import system. For example MONL.INF

ImportName1 = "(Employee) Persons"
ImportName2 = "(Matters) Matter or Job codes"

(where AutoTypeOfImportRecord = 2 is for Matters.)

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoImportFilePathName1

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)

Max length: 128 characters



Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoImportFilePathName2

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)

Max length: 128 characters



Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoImportFilePathName3

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)

Max length: 128 characters



Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoImportFilePathName4

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)

Max length: 128 characters



Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).AutoImportFilePathName5

Used by: Client (specifically Monimp32.exe)

Max length: 128 characters



Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.ODBCDriver = "SQL Server"

The is the name of the ODBC Driver that connects to the MonTel Master Client Database on the SQL Server. In the first instance this can only be "SQL Server" for MS SQL Server, and MSDE.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).WindowsNTAuthenticationMode

Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.WindowsNTAuthenticationMode = 0

If WindowsNTAuthenticationMode=1 then when MonTel creates the Master Client Database, it does not create any user accounts, but rather relies on the users NT or Domain login to access the SQL Server. When this is the case the MonTelAdminGroup and MonTelUsersGroup must be specified, and set up by the network administrator ahead of time. In addition the user who runs MonTel for the first time must be both a MonTel Administrator (AdministratorOn) AND have system permission in the SQL Server.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).MonTelUsersGroup

Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.MonTelUsersGroup = "DOMAIN/Administrators"

The is the name of the group that will have permission to use the MonTel Master Client Database on the SQL Server when it is created. This setting is only used when WindowsNTAuthenticationMode=1.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).MonTelAdminGroup

Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.MonTelAdminGroup = "DOMAIN/Administrators"

The is the name of the group that will have full permission to the MonTel Master Client Database on the SQL Server when it is created. This setting is only used when WindowsNTAuthenticationMode=1.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).DatabaseNetworkDLL

Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.DatabaseNetworkDLL = Dbmssocn

This setting is used to debug a local computer that seems to have trouble getting its ODBC driver to connect to the SQL server. It selects the network library to use for the MonTel connection. This setting should be left blank by default.

Here is the full list of settings for the setting DatabaseNetworkDLL in the [ClientDB] section of the PABX.INI file.

"Dbmssocn ; TCP/IP sockets Net Library",
"Dbnmpntw ; Named pipes",
"Dbmsrpcn ; Multiprotocol",
"Dbmsspxn ; Novell SPX/IPX",
"Dbmsvinn ; Banyan Vines",
"Dbmsdecn ; DECNet",
"Dbmsadsn ; AppleTalk"

This setting may fix a situation where the network used, does not support the default library installed by MDAC. This may occur if say the site had upgraded from a Netware server to a Windows 2000 server. Version 2.9.61 of the client will be out later in the week, and will include these settings.

If you use the TCP/IP sockets Net Library, then you may also need to set the DatabaseNetworkAddress.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).DatabaseServerName

Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.DatabaseServerName = FS1

The is the name of the file server on which the SQL Server Relational Database Management System that holds the MonTel Master client database is located.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the overwrite values found else ware in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.0 onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.CallRecordDBName = CALLREC

The name of the SQL used to collect call records from PABXDCR.DAT by SERSQLSV.EXE.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.

(GROUP CODE).MasterClientDBName

Used by: Client.

Version 2.10.8? onwards

Max length: 128 characters


FS1.MasterClientDBName = MONTELDB

The is the name of the master client database on the SQL Server.

Each of these "GROUPCODEKEY." entries in the group section overwrite values found elsewhere in the PABX.INI file. They are to allow users to be assigned to groups, and have different locations for directories, and other information. They can even be used to set up different client databases for each group, though MonTel support is required to implement this feature.

The format for the key is GROUPCODEKEY.IniKey = IniValue, where the GROUPCODEKEY code is separated from "IniKey" by a full stop. The IniKey must be one of the values listed in this section.
