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How to set or change the MonTel Application Directory for a locally installed client

This topic applies to version 2.9 onwards.

For limited versions of 2.9, Client programs including Ext32 and EdUser32 could have been installed on a local computer in a directory other than the MonTel Application Directory (which is always a network directory). This option is no longer supported. However as a security measure, some aspect of these settings have been felt in place, so that the PABX.INI file is always read from one place, even if the applications are elsewhere.

All these client programs require information from the MonTel application directory, usually from the PABX.INI file. The PABX.INI file should only ever be stored on the Network in the MonTel Application Directory.

The information about the MonTel Application Directory is stored in the registry of the local computer in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Netwiz\MonTel\Paths\MonTelApplicationPath.

You could change this in theory if the network mappings changed by adding the following to a blank text file named, say, "mtapp.reg".

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

You will need to change the "X:\\xxxxxxx" to the path an location of the new mapping of the MonTel Application directory. For Example "H:\\APPS\\MONTEL". Use \\ where you would normally use a \. This will be converted correctly when you "run" the mtapp.reg file.

Note: that MonTel requires a drive letter, and cannot use a canonical form such as "\\server\share".
