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Security Level SEVERE

The user cannot change any of their background settings, and cannot change any other settings. They can not make non chargeable call records. MonTel will stay on top of other applications. They cannot change their background mode popup threshold cost. Call records are queued when MonTel is off back to the beginning of the month, and are displayed when they Login again. The user cannot exit MonTel at all, and cannot exit the popup box if it pops up with out charging the call.

MonTelOnTop = 1

AlwaysUseDefaults = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingBackground = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingContacts = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingClients = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingMatters = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingDisbursments = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingActivities = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingPartners = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingAddresses = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingEmployees = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingDepartments = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingChargeCheckbox = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingCost = 1

PreventUsersFromDeletingUpdates = 1

PreventUsersFromModifingPhoneNumbers = 1

PreventUsersFromTerminatingClients = 1

PreventUsersFromTerminatingDisbursments = 1

PreventUsersFromTerminatingMatters = 1

MaxmumMinimumThreshholdOfPopup = {set value}

ClientAndMatterMustBeAssociated = 0

DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold = {set value}

AllowUpdatingOfNonChargableCalls = 0

ForceQueuePopupsWhileMonTelIsOff = 1

ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate = "This Month"

ForceQueueOnlyFromLastUpdatedRecord = 0

ForceAllCodesToCase = 3


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingBackground = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the "MonTel - Background Options" form is unavailable from the MonTel toolbar or menu.


Used by: Client.


MaxmumMinimumThreshholdOfPopup = 0.00

This setting still allows users to set their own minimum threshold for a pop-up (See MonTel.INI reference PopupCostThreshHold), but only to as high as the value selected. This way if some users want the pop-up on all calls they can select a threshold of 0, but other users may select up to the value specified here. If this value is 0 (the default) then the user can select any threshold value.

This setting Prevents the user from setting a value higher in the "Minimum cost of call for pop-up" field of the Background Options box higher than the value specified.

Use decimal points for cents. For example: 0.50 for 50 cents, which means that a user can't set a higher threshold than 50 cents for the pop-up to occur.

This setting will over ride an existing back ground mode PopupCostThreshHold if that threshold value is set higher than MaxmumMinimumThreshholdOfPopup, unless MaxmumMinimumThreshholdOfPopup is 0.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingContacts = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Contact Details form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingClients = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Client Details form. In addition the user won't be prompted to create an association between clients and matters when updating a call record.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingMatters = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Matters Details form. In addition the user won't be prompted to create an association between clients and matters when updating a call record.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingChargeCode = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Admin Only check box is disabled on the Client and Matters Details form. While the default is 0, the SetupMT will set this to 1, unless the security setting is at the most relaxed.


Used by: Client.


ClientAndMatterMustBeAssociated = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 then if the MatterClientRelationship is set to CLIENT_FIND_MATTER (4), MATTER_FIND_CLIENT (8) or MATTER_AND_CLIENT_MUST_BE_RELATED (15) in the (PMASYTEM).INF file the InfoBox cannot be updated without a relationship existing (or being created) between the client and the matter. Note that if PreventUsersFromModifingClients = 1 or PreventUsersFromModifingMatters = 1 then relationships can only be created or updated by a MonTel administrator or by an import.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingDisbursments = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Disbursements Details form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingActivities = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Activities Details form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingPartners = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Partners Details form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingAddresses = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Address form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingEmployees =0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Employee Details form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingDepartments =0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Department Details form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingChargeCheckbox = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 then the user cannot modify the charge client check box, meaning that if there is a positive cost of the call, and an active client or matter the call is always charged.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingCost = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 then the user cannot modify the cost of the call prompted in the InfoBox.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromDeletingUpdates = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Delete buttons is disabled on the InfoBox form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromModifingPhoneNumbers = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Update and Delete buttons are disabled on the Phone Number form.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromTerminatingClients = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the check box allowing clients to be terminated is disabled on the Client Details form.

Because many entities are linked it is not always possible to delete them with out causing integrity violation errors (bad links). However, in many cases these entities are not longer in use - or should not be used for charging calls. The terminate box check box, offers a way of effectively deleting the entity, with out causing these errors (it is hidden rather than deleted).

The marking of entities as terminated should probably only be performed by the by the import system, or the MonTel administrator.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromTerminatingDisbursments =0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the check box allowing disbursements to be terminated is disabled on the Disbursement Details form.

Because many entities are linked it is not always possible to delete them with out causing integrity violation errors (bad links). However, in many cases these entities are not longer in use - or should not be used for charging calls. The terminate box check box, offers a way of effectively deleting the entity, with out causing these errors (it is hidden rather than deleted).

The marking of entities as terminated should probably only be performed by the by the import system, or the MonTel administrator.


Used by: Client.


PreventUsersFromTerminatingMatters =0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the check box allowing matters to be terminated is disabled on the Matter Details form.

Because many entities are linked it is not always possible to delete them with out causing integrity violation errors (bad links). However, in many cases these entities are not longer in use - or should not be used for charging calls. The terminate box check box, offers a way of effectively deleting the entity, with out causing these errors (it is hidden rather than deleted).

The marking of entities as terminated should probably only be performed by the by the import system, or the MonTel administrator.


Used by: Client.


DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold = 0.1

The Default = 0.00. If set to any value greater than 0.00 then MonTel will not allow the user to exit MonTel at all, and not allow the user to exit the Info box when it pops up unless; The call record has been updated and charged to a matter or client code (not None), or if the cost of the call is under the threshold amount specified. For example; if DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold = 0.26, then all calls of more than 25 cents will need to be updated before the Info Box can be exited.

The requirement to charge the call to a matter or client, will depend on which PMA system is used. For Solution 6, at least the Client code is required, which will then selected a matter code. For Open Practice a matter code is required, which will then select a client code.

An individual user is prevented from exiting MonTel after it has been started with DontAllowUserToExitPopupThreshold set to any value greater than 0. In addition, the pop-up cannot be exited, moved, minimised or maximised, until the user has updated the call record. It can also not be made smaller than the default setting, though it can be dragged larger. If the user is a MonTel System Administrator (AdministratorOn) then these restrictions do not apply.

The InfoBox pop-up is also set to be an always on top windows (like a toolbar) in systems that support this (Windows 2000 does not). This may cause problems if an unexpected error occurs, where the error message might be hidden behind the pop-up. This will be manifest as a pop-up that appears to have hung or jammed.


Used by: Client.


AllowUpdatingOfNonChargableCalls =0

The default is 0. If set to 1 the Info box will allow a call record to be updated even if no client or matter details are present, providing that the "charge client" check box is not ticked. Normally, you would need to have client and/or matter details regardless of the state of the check box.

Available from version 2.09.1


Used by: Client.


ForceQueuePopupWhileMonTelIsOff = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1 then Notify will Queue Pop-ups when not on line regardless of the background options setting.


Used by: Client.


ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate = ""

The default is "". If set to a legitimate date in the range of call records then if users will not be forced to queue back to a record older than the date specified.

This value only makes sense if ForceQueuePopupWhileMonTelIsOff = 1.

ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate has some additional text values: "Today", "This Week" and "This Month", as well as a specific date of time. Using these values will force the queue back to the beginning of each of these time periods for all un-updated calls.

Note that previously this value was only activated if there were no more recent updated records, rather than checking for all un-updated records.

In this new implementation, MonTel Notify could make the system more busy than usual as it checked back through the records. Therefore a new value has been added QueueOnlyFromLastUpdatedRecord, which means that Notify will only queue back to the last updated record, or if to the ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate is it is more recent.


Used by: Client.


ForceQueueOnlyFromLastUpdatedRecord = 0

The default is 0. If ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate is set to a distant date MonTel Notify could make the system more busy than usual as it checked back through the records. If QueueOnlyFromLastUpdatedRecord =1 then Notify will only queue back to the last updated record, or if to the ForceQueuePopupsBackToRecordDate is it is more recent.


Used by: Client.


ForceAllCodesToCase = 0

The default is 0. If set to a value greater than zero then all "codes", such as employee code, client code, disbursement code and so on will be saved to the Master Client Database in the case forced by the values below:

0 -- User settings (i.e. user can choose to force them selves or not)

1 -- Upper Case

2 -- Lower Case

3 -- Mixed Case

4 -- Any Case (i.e. User cannot choose to force and can type in any case).


Used by: Client.

Version 2.9.0 Pre-release 36 onwards


PreventDropDownListDisplay = 0

The default is 0. If set to 1, then Combo boxes and Double Combo boxes that connect the Master Client Database have the drop down buttons removed, and drop down lists cannot be used.


Used by: Client.

Version 2.11.7 onwards


NonChargableAdminCodes = 76543, ADMIN, 76544

The default is is blank. If set NonChargableAdminCodes will specify a single or a comma delimited list of up to 16 client or matter codes that are to be marked as admin only and therefore not charged.


Used by: Client

0 or 1

Version 2.12.1


KeepActivePersistent = 1

This security setting is used separately to other functions and will work with both Admin and User security levels (unlike most other settings that only work at the user level).

When KeepActivePersistent = 1 MonTel will restart after 15 seconds if the user uses Windows Task Manager to end the task.

However this setting will not stop a process being terminated.
