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The Windows 32bit Console MonTel Server contains the new alpha/beta test of the Windows 32 bit Console version of the MonTel Server. It looks like and works more or less the same as the existing DOS Server.exe program.

Note this is currently a beta test only.

The PABX.INI settings are the same apart from some minor differences.

PABXDriverCNName is checked before PABXDriverName. This is a useful way of being able to test both the 16nit version and Windows 32bit Console version along side each other. Note that the 32bit version uses DLLs and not DRVs.

ConsoleSurrenderTimeSlice is used only by the Windows 32bit Console version. A value of 100 will speed cup servercn.exe, if the buffer is filling up too fast (by default this is 250).

UseRealTimeClock, ServerHeapAndStackSize and any settings related to DOS Critical Errors are not used.

Plus OutputMainDataPath and OutputUsersPath can be a UNC path name in the [Directory] section.
