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The [import] section deals with importing client, matter and other data from the PMA system.


Used by: monimpsv, parsin

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


ImportFilterName= "aps.mif"

ImportFilterName specified the name of the MonTel Import Filter (MIF) file. This allows MonTel to have a different type of import PMA system from the export or the display type. The file specified must be the name of the appropriate MIF file in the MonTel application folder. The path is not included.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

Range: Single number as a bit field.


ImportReportFormat = 0

ImportReportFormat is used to add or override specific import variations or features to an import using a general '.mif' file. The format is a bit field, where a number of features are incorporated of modified by changing 1 bit of the number. (The bits can be identified by powers of two, eg 1,2,4,8, 16 and so on, and by adding or subtracting these powers of two include on not include a feature). See the documentation for the specific filter to see what each of these features does (if any).

This setting relates to the import of data and the operation of the filters is different to ImportCommandInfo which controls just the operation of MonimpSv.

See individual filter files for more information.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

Single number as a bit field.


ImportCommandInfo = 0

ImportCommandInfo provides general commands about how to process the import. The items specified here concern the way and order in which items are open and closed, the use of resources and speed of import. Often these items are a trade off against each other and against available system resources.

The default is 1. (See the table below).

ImportCommandInfo is broken down into bit fields, express as adding (or subtracting) a number that is a power of two. Set the ImportCommandInfo value with the (cumulative) addition of one or more of the values from below.




The default options are:
  • Open for each record and close each record (or line) in an imported text file.
  • Load the PMA.INI file when loading the PABX.INI file.
  • Load the .MIF (.DLL) when loading the PABX.INI file.


Open the import text file for batch processing, that is open the file at the start read all the records and then close the file.


Load PMA.INI only when about to export and unload when exported.


Load .MIF (.DLL) only when about to read a record and close again when complete.


Import using an ODBC DB rather than than text file.



Since ImportCommandInfo defaults to 1 for batch processing (to save file handles and improve speed). To force monimpsv to open and close a file handle for every record or line imported for safety you would need to set ImportCommandInfo=0 (if it has not previously been set at all).

ImportCommandInfo = 0 is safest, but slow. ImportCommandInfo = 1 is fastest and uses less network traffic. ImportCommandInfo = 6 leaves most memory on server for other apps so it is good if the import is only done say once a day, OR when testing, as you can change both the MIF and the INF for each import without restarting the service. If ImportCommandInfo is 4 (but not ImportCommandInfo & 2) the MIF will be read from the frist load of the PMA.INI, and every time that INI file is updated.

Commands specific to certain filters (.mif) or PMA systems will be included in ImportReportFormat.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


ImportDSN = ""

When using an ODBC (or SQL effectively) import, the ImportDSN is a windows system or other DSN name to be used. The DSN is used directly and should contain all the relevant information to make the connection. The same information might also be contained in AutoImportFilePathName from the PABX.INI and ImportFileDSN below.

For relevant filters the precedence ImportFileDSN is will be read ahead of the AutoImportFilePathName from the PABX.INI which in turn is ahead of the ImportDSN from the PMA.INI.

Some filters may need to have a specific one of the settings specified. For example, the Monitor Faircom importer (dmon.mif and dmon4.mif) will use AutoImportFilePathName and ImportDSN but not ImportFileDSN.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.11.29 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


ImportFileDSN= ""

ImportFileDSN is the full path and file name of a file based DSN. For example the file 'sample.dsn' that might be located in the MonTel application folder (and therefore would not require a path) for a Viztopia import might contain:


This file will be read and processed and an ODBC connection created from the contents rather than directly called. For relevant filters the precedence ImportFileDSN is will be read ahead of the AutoImportFilePathName from the PABX.INI which in turn is ahead of the ImportDSN from the PMA.INI.

Vistopia (viz.mif) will use ImportFileDSN and to create a connection indirectly from the contents, or it one of AutoImportFilePathName or ImportDSN are specified instead process that one directly.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


ImportIgnoredCodeList = ""

ImportIgnoredCodeList is a list of primary codes (that is matter or client codes see MatterClientRelationship for amplification) that will be ignored when imported.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

range: 0, 2 or 5


ImportClientDBIniTypeOfImportRecord = ""

ImportClientDBIniTypeOfImportRecord is used to determine if additional items (records) should be imported from the [ClientMatters] section of the ClientDB.Ini file.

An item is imported if the [pma].inf file has ImportClientDBIniTypeOfImportRecord = x where is is either 2 (a client) or 5 (matter). Basically it would be 2 if client is the primary link and 5 if matter is the primary link.

The format for each entry in [ClientMatters] is:

'primary code = secondary code, primary name, secondary name, phone number'.

Each of these entries will be imported after the normal import of the field type.

ImportClientDBIniTypeOfImportRecord might be used to add a non-chargeable client to an import where that client does not exit in the PMA system.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


ImportMarkAlsoSecondaryAsTerminated = ""

If ImportMarkAlsoSecondaryAsTerminated is set to 1, monexsv mark ALL secondary items (that is the non primary matter or client codes see MatterClientRelationship for amplification) as terminated before an import, and therefore ONLY the secondaries found in the import will be exist after the import. See also ImportDeleteAllRelationshipsToSecondary.


Used by: monimpsv

V2.12.0 Onwards

Single value: 0 or 1


ImportDeleteAllRelationshipsToSecondary = 1

ImportDeleteAllRelationshipsToSecondary will delete ALL primary to secondary (Client to Matter or vice versa) relationships (see MatterClientRelationship for amplification) before an import, and therefore ONLY the relationships found in the import will be exist after the import.

The default is 0.


Topic creation date: 2008-08-08

Used by: monimpsv.

Version 2.12.7 onwards

0 or 1


ImportDestructiveUpdateOfUsersInIniFile = 0

If ImportDestructiveUpdateOfUsersInIniFile = 1 and AutoImportAllowDestructiveIniUpdate = 1 (from the PABX.INI file) then when the users are imported from a filter, monimpsv will overwrite the user entries of the PABX.INI file with the user data that it imports from the external system. It will overwrite, that is delete all existing users save the first users as identified by their license slot, up to the number specified by ImportNumberOfUsersToRetainInIniFile.

As the user data is critical to the running of both the MonTel client and server it is vital that the filter, monimpsv and the external system are all functioning correctly. The default is 0.


Topic creation date: 2008-08-08

Used by: monimpsv.

Version 2.12.7 onwards

Number up to 255


ImportNumberOfUsersToRetainInIniFile = 3

When ImportDestructiveUpdateOfUsersInIniFile = 1, monimp overwrites the user entries of the PABX.INI file with the user data that it imports from the external system up to the number specified by ImportNumberOfUsersToRetainInIniFile. Each user is identified by their license slot. So, in the example shown above, USER1, USER2 and USER3 will be retained and not overwritten by monimpsv. In the event that no users are imported only these three would remain.

This setting is useful to specify users who should have an AdministratorOn or ReceptionOn setting, or users who would not otherwise appear in the external system, such as the network Administrator. The default is 1 which by default would be the system installer, and is therefore likely to be a MonTel Administrator.


Topic creation date: 2008-08-08

Used by: monimpsv.

Version 2.12.7 onwards

0 or 1


ImportIgnoreDuplicateEmployeeLogin = 0

When ImportIgnoreDuplicateEmployeeLogin = 1 then the second occurrence of user with the same login name is ignored, even if the primary key or the employee code is different. This setting might be used in a situation when ImportDestructiveUpdateOfUsersInIniFile = 1 and the PABX.INI file is being updated with users who have more than one extension or vice vera, while not intending to add a additional users to the Master Client Database. Multiple users with the same login name in the Master Client database is problematic, as users will be prompted to login and identify them selves to MonTel every time they run the client. The default is 0.


Topic creation date: 2008-08-08

Used by: monimpsv.

Version 2.12.7 onwards

0 or 1


ImportRecoverConcatenatedClientMatters = 1

When this value is set to 1 the filter assumes that the matter code and the client code are supplied in one field in the source data and monimp should process them as two separate records. The default is 0. See also ImportClientMatterSeparatorCharacter.

This item will be used only by a relevant filter, so refer also to the relevant filter documentation.


Topic creation date: 2008-08-08

Used by: monimpsv.

Version 2.12.7 onwards

0 or 1


ImportOrderSecondaryThenPrimary = 1

When ImportOrderSecondaryThenPrimary=1 then if ImportRecoverConcatenatedClientMatters = 1, the order of the items in the single field is reversed. The actual order will depend on the MatterClientRelationship field. If this is set to suggest that a Client code is the primary link in MonTel then the order will be "CLIENT.MATTER". However, if ImportOrderSecondaryThenPrimary=1 then the order will be "MATTER.CLIENT". This is reversed, of course, if the matter is the primary link. The default is 0.

This item will be used only by a relevant filter, so refer also to the relevant filter documentation.


Topic creation date: 2008-08-08

Used by: monimpsv.

Version 2.12.7 onwards

Max length: 128 characters implicitly 1character


ImportClientMatterSeparatorCharacter = "/"

When the matter code and the client code are supplied in one field, and the filter is expected to separate the two records, this is the character (or string) that allows the filter to delineate them. The default is "." (a point or stop character). The filter is expecting concatenated fields like this when ImportRecoverConcatenatedClientMatters = 1.

This item will be used only by a relevant filter, so refer also to the relevant filter documentation.
