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Following is a summary of the installation activities for the MonTel TAPI driver for the Cisco Call Manager System.

  1. Set TypeOfInput = 2 in the [SerialPortSettings] of PABX.INI (Use EdIni). The other settings in that section are not required.
  2. Set PABXDriverCNName = "CiscoCM4.drl" in the [MonTelServer] of PABX.INI (Use EdIni).
  3. Create a 'MonTel' user on the Cisco Call Manager system, and configure appropriately. See How to 'MonTel' user on the Cisco Call Manager system.
  4. Assign all devices to the 'MonTel' user on the Cisco Call Manager system.
  5. Install the Cisco TSP on the computer which will run the monTel Server. See How to install the Cisco TSP for MonTel.
  6. Configure the TSP. See How to configure the CisoTSP for MonTel.
  7. Test the MonTel Server using either "ServerCN" or "ServerSV CONSOLE" from the command line.
