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The [system] section contains information to describe the type of PMA system and how it the interface should be displayed and used in MonTel. See also the [descriptions] section below.

Pma Key

Used by: notifyvb.exe, MonTel32.exe, monimpsv.exe, MonexSv, ParsOut.

Range: single number


PmaKey = 4

This entry is used as an index value to identify the type of PMA system uniquely. It should never be changed unless the PMA system is changed. It is used internally by MonExSv and by the relevant .mif file to identify the type of PMA system.


Used by: none

Max length: 128 characters


PmaSystemNotes = ""

Used to makes notes about the PMA file. Blank by default, however updates via the Wizard from version 2.11 will include references to the .INF files used to create the PMA.INI file.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


PMASystemLongName = ""

The full or long name of the Practise management account (PMA) system, that is, the external accounting or reporting system that MonTel is used in conjunction with.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: 128 characters


PMASystemShortName = ""

The short or abbreviated name (usually three or for letters) of the Practise management account (PMA) system, that is, the external accounting or reporting system that MonTel is used in conjunction with.


Used by: MonexSv, ParsOut.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Max length: single number


UseEmployeeCode = 17

The UseEmployeeCode value is used to identified the user for importing and exporting where the users PIN number, login name, extension number, employee code or handset pin number could be used. This is usually a bit field.

For more information see: How to use the MONITOR Business Machines Export Filters.

  • UseEmployeeCode = 1 or 17 Then MonTel will use the User's PIN number or if this cannot be found "Ukn" (for unknown).
  • UseEmployeeCode = 2 or 18 Then MonTel will use the User's Login name.
  • UseEmployeeCode = 3 or 19 Then MonTel will use the "extension number" found with the call record (or blank if it is a disbursement).
  • UseEmployeeCode = 4 or 20 Then MonTel will use the "Pin or Account" number typed in at the telephone handset (or blank if it is a disbursement).
  • UseEmployeeCode = 5 or 21 Then MonTel will use the "Employee Code".
  • UseEmployeeCode = 0 then the result is undefined and will depend on the export filter.

This field is also used to control the type of import format. See How to use the MONITOR Business Machines Import Filters.

If UseEmployeeCode is logical 'or'ed with 16 then MonexSv will use the current monitor format. If not then the USER.XLS format if it is importing from a text file and ImportFilterName = monitor.mif. (dmon.mif will ignore this setting).


Topic creation date: 2009-04-14

Used by: MonimpSv.

Version 2.12.20 onwards

Max length: 128 characters


DomainServer = "NETWIZDN2"

By default (if used) this value will be picked up and read from NetworkDomain in the [License] section of the control INI file (not the PMA.INI file). Currently used only to define the name of the Domain Server to import users from Active Directory.


Topic creation date: 2009-04-18

Used by: MonimpSv.

Version 2.12.20 onwards

Max length: 128 characters


CNAdminGroup = "MonTel Admins"

By default (if present used) this value will be picked up and read from MonTelAdminGroup in the [ClientDB] section of the control INI file (not the PMA.INI file), and then parsed to strip out the DOMAIN part of the samAccountName ("NETWIZDN2\MonTel Admins" becomes "MonTel Admins"). Currently used only to define the name of the group to which MonTel administrators belong, so MonTel administrators can be identified when importing users from Active Directory.


Topic creation date: 2009-04-18

Used by: MonimpSv.

Version 2.12.20 onwards

Max length: 128 characters


CNMonTelUsersGroup = "Domain Users"

By default (if present used) this value will be picked up and read from MonTelUsersGroup in the [ClientDB] section of the control INI file (not the PMA.INI file), and then parsed to strip out the DOMAIN part of the samAccountName ("NETWIZDN2\MonTel Users" becomes "MonTel Users"). Currently used only to define the name of the group to which MonTel Users belong, so only MonTel Users (and administrators) can are imported from Active Directory when the ImportReportFormat has 1024 added to it. Otherwise all entities with and Object Class of Person in the designated search tree are imported.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: Single number


MatterClientRelationship = 7

The MatterClientRelationship field can in general have the following valued added (or logically ORed) together.







See How to Configure key fields for call record updates, for more information on how this is displayed in the MonTel client.

Basically, MatterClientRelationship enforce the way MonTel sees client and matter. Typically, an accounting firm with have many client codes that refer to a handful of matters. Therefore the client code is the primary link and the matter code is the secondary link. While a legal firm will have many matters (or job codes) that refer to a lesser number of clients, making the matter code primary and the client code secondary. Therefore, an accounting firm might disburse a phone charge to a client, while a legal firm might disburse it to a matter.

MonTel decides if the matter link or the client link is primary by the following formula:-

If ( MatterClientRelationship includes MATTER_FIND_CLIENT) or if ( (MatterClientRelationship includes MUST_HAVE_MATTER) and (MatterClientRelationship does not include MUST_HAVE_CLIENT)) then the primary link is matter, otherwise the primary link is client.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


DisplayOnlyClientCodes = 0

If set to one the MonTel client will display only the client code in a drop down list when selecting clients (as opposed to Code and Name).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


DisplayOnlyMatterCodes = 0

If set to one the MonTel client will display only the matter code in a drop down list when selecting matters (as opposed to Code and Name).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


DisplayOnlyClientNames = 0

If set to one the MonTel client will display only the client name in a drop down list when selecting clients (as opposed to Code and Name).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


DisplayOnlyMatterNames = 0

If set to one the MonTel client will display only the matter name in a drop down list when selecting matters (as opposed to Code and Name).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 1 or 0


AllowOnlyRelatedSecondary = 1

AllowOnlyRelatedSecondary froce the client to only allow users to update a client or matter with its associated secondary (where a secondary is the matter or client). The default is 0, but for most PMA.INI files the expected value would be 1.


Topic creation date: 2010-07-17

Used by: Future client.

Version 3.xx.xx onwards

0 or 1


HideDisbursementCodeEntry = 1

When set to 1 the disbursement code field on the call record information form (but not the manual disbursements) is not present. It is therefore vital that the installer makes sure that there is a default Telephone Call record disbursement code.


Topic creation date: 2010-08-23

Used by: .

Version 2.12.31 onwards

0 or 1


HideCallRecordInfo = 1

This setting affect the display of the pop-up (the pop-up info box). When set to true the 'grid' that contains information about the call record, which is basically a copy of the line from a call record display, is replaced with a short line of condensed text containing only pertinent information about the call. This setting might be used to reduce clutter on the pop-up info box. Supercedes DontDisplayGridBox in the DEFAULTS.INI file.


Topic creation date: 2010-08-23

Used by: .

Version 2.12.31 onwards

0 or 1


HideEditItemButtons = 1

This setting affect the display of the pop-up (the pop-up info box). When set to true the buttons that select the client, contact or matter or other buttons that are used as tittles in the display, are replaced with plain text. This items supersedes DontDisplayItemButtons is the defaults.ini file.


Topic creation date: 2010-08-04

Used by: Future client.

Version 3.xx.xx onwards

0 or 1


HideActivityCodeEntry = 1

When set to 1 the Activity field on the call record information form and the manual disbursements is not present.


Topic creation date: 2010-08-04

Used by: Future client.

Version 3.xx.xx onwards

0 or 1


HideContactEntryOnCallRecord = 1

When set to 1 the contact field on the call record information form (but not the manual disbursements) is not present.


Topic creation date: 2010-08-04

Used by: Future client.

Version 3.xx.xx onwards

0 or 1


HideContactEntryOnOthers = 1

When set to 1 the contact field on the manual disbursements form (but not the call record information) is not present.


Topic creation date: 2010-08-04

Used by: MtAdmin, Future Client.

Version 2.12.1 onwards

Single number bit feild


AutoCompleteOptions = 0

This sets the options for auto complete in MonTel, which is used when selecting items in a dropdown edit control from the master client database. By default this control is set to 3, which corresponds to the mnemonic ACO_AUTOSUGGEST + ACO_AUTOAPPEND. For details see the table below. When set to 0 (ACO_NONE) autocompletion is not initiated, rather than disabled. Options may be combine.

The following table shows the complete list of options, unsupported as many of these are unlikely to be of any relevance. However administrators may want to consider combinations of ACO_AUTOSUGGEST, ACO_AUTOAPPEND, ACO_USETAB or ACF_UPDOWNKEYDROPSLIST.




No autocomplete.
Enable the autosuggest drop-down list.
Enable autoappend. ACO_SEARCH Add a search item to the list of completed strings. Selecting this item launches a search engine.
Add a search item to the list of completed strings. Selecting this item launches a search engine.
Don't match common prefixes, such as "www.", "http://", and so on.
Use the TAB key to select an item from the drop-down list.
Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to display the autosuggest drop-down list.
Normal windows display text left-to-right (LTR). Windows can be mirrored to display languages such as Hebrew or Arabic that read right-to-left (RTL). Normally, a control's text is displayed in the same direction as the text in its parent window.
If ACO_RTLREADING is set, the text reads in the opposite direction from the text in the parent window.
Windows Vista and later. If set, the autocompleted suggestion is treated as a phrase for search purposes. The suggestion, Microsoft Office, would be treated as "Microsoft Office" (where both Microsoft AND Office must appear in the search results).
Windows Vista and later. Disable prefix filtering when displaying the autosuggest dropdown. Always display all suggestions.



Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


ShowOnlySecondaryLinkedButton = 0

ShowOnlySecondaryLinkedButton when set to 1 will display only a suggested button in the associated matter or client selection box and not a drop down button for the full list for example in the Infobox.

The suggested button is the red one.

Note that the primary matter of client is shown at the top, and the associated matter of client is shown below. Clients and matters are associated only if the MatterClientRelationship is greater than 2, meaning that there are associations between matter and client.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


OnlyDisplayUniqueLinkElseBlank = 0

OnlyDisplayUniqueLinkElseBlank when set to one will display a suggested secondary item in the pop up Infobox if it is the one and only secondary item, otherwise the field will become blank. (This is to force users to press the button to choose an item from the drop down suggested list).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


OnlyDisplayUniqueLinkElseDropDown = 0

OnlyDisplayUniqueLinkElseDropDown when set to one will display a suggested secondary in the pop up Infobox item if it is the one and only secondary item, or the drop down secondary list if more than one secondary is linked or otherwise the field will become blank. (This is to force users to choose an item from the drop down suggested list).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: 0 or 1


DropDownListOnLoadNew = 0

DropDownListOnLoadNew will if an Infobox does not have the primary field populated, will drop down the full list of clients or matters, allowing the user to effective type ahead to find a match on the list.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: single number less than 255


WidthOfClientCode= 20

WidthOfClientCode is the maximum width allowed in the database and in the display for the Client Code. The default is WidthOfGeneralCode.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: single number less than 255


WidthOfMatterCode = 20

WidthOfMatterCode is the maximum width allowed in the database and in the display for the Matter Code. The default is WidthOfGeneralCode.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.12.0 Onwards

Value: single number less than 255


WidthOfGeneralCode= 20

WidthOfGeneralCode is the maximum width allowed in the database and in the display for the items that are not Matter or Client codes (for example Department Code). The Default from 2.12.0 onwards in 20. The default previous was 0.
