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How to convert from the 16 bit MonTel Client to the 32 bit MonTel Client

MonTel 16 bit can only be upgraded to 2.9.70 directly. To upgrade to versions beyond that you will need to do in steps (taking it to 2.9.70, doing the SQL changes and then upgrading to 2.10.xx or whatever).

Firstly you need to check that the 16bit version is the latest, or at least recent enough for the database up date to work. You can do this from the topic How can I tell if my 16 bit MonTel can be updated to the 32 bit version.

A good summary of the issues can be found in the topic How to set up a Pilot program to test MonTel 32bit client.

Our testing has revealed that the 32bit version of the MonTel client is more reliable than the 16bit version, therefore we recommend that you go straight to an upgrade of MonTel. Please make a back up of all files, especially the Master Client Database and the PABX.INI file.

Another reason for having the fastest version of the 16 bit MonTel client is to make sure that the PABX.INI file is up to date.

The most important feature that has changed, that will affect both the client and the Server is the new [TimeZone] section.

The TimeZone=WST-8 or TimeZone=EST-10 feature has been moved to a new section called [TimeZone]. The actual setting of TimeZone=WST-8 can be included in that section but has been superseded by new values THAT MUST BE USED to maintain date and time integrity. These are the settings in the PABX.INI file. For more detail see PABX.REF. TimeZone=WST-8 (previously in the [Program] section, a setting here will override the one in [Program]. See the PABX.REF file for some examples.

TZStandardName = The Standard Time Zone name, truncated to 31 characters, e.g. "(AUS) Eastern Standard Time".
TZDaylightName = The Daylight Time Zone name, truncated to 31 characters, e.g. "(AUS) Eastern Daylight Time"
TZStandardGMTModifyMins = Number of Minutes added or subtracted from local time to equal GMT, i.e. -480 for Western, -570 for Central, -600 for Eastern)
TZDaylightStartDateTime = "02:00:00 27/08/00" (Date and time of start of the next or current daylight savings period. The time and Date must be in this format or not present. The one exception is that leaving off the year, MonTel will assume the current year, e.g.. TZDaylightStartDateTime = "02:00:00 31/10" Note that the date changes each year. If no date and time is specified it will default to The first Sunday in October at 2:00 AM.
TZDaylightEndDateTime = "02:00:00 26/03/00" Date and time of end of the next or current daylight savings period, as per the above format.
TZDaylightSTDModifyMins = -60 (Number of minutes added or subtracted from the new Daylight Savings to equal normal local time. (0 for none, -60 for others). At 2am time will be turned forward one hour to read 3am.)

For the other parts of the INI file that must be changed see : the topic How to set up a Pilot program to test MonTel 32bit client. These sections are:

Montel32HelpFile = {MonTel App path}\Montel32.hlp
Local32DatabaseName = {same as LocalDatabaseName OR "MONTEL32"}
Client32DatabaseName = CLIENT32
MaxBufferSize =0

For information on how you an set MonTel up so you don't need to edit the employee database, and only have to change the INI file in one place when adding a new user see the topic: Changes to the PABX.INI file created by EdUser 3.0 and How to add users automatically to MonTel with Eduser32. Please note that you need to have a (CODE)xxxx and a (PIN)xxx for each user for this to work.

To have either MonTel or Notify automatically restart after an Admin shut down, see the topic: How to make MonTel or Notify automatically restart after an Admin shut down.

Once all these steps are complete:

  1. Make sure that all users are out of MonTel.
  2. Back up both the MonTel Data and Application directory (zip files or copies).
  3. Delete all files from the MonTel application directory except the PABX.INI file. Also delete the sub directories SETUP and SUPPORT.
  4. Install and Run Update16.exe if required.
  5. Rename CLIENTDB.MDB in the "MonTel Data directory"/CLIENTDB to CLIENT32.MDB, or however the Client32DatabaseName is set, in the PABX.INI file.
  6. Delete all files from the application directory except the PABX.INI if required (Update16.exe et al)
  7. Install the new files by running install.exe.
  8. Make a back up of the PABX.INI file (call it PABX16.INI)
  9. Run EdUser32.exe (change any user details) and save the PABX.INI file.
  10. From the Setup32 directory in the MonTel Application directory, run Setup. This will add the local and runtime files.
  11. Then start up MonTel32.exe from the MonTel Application directory, and run through the normal upgrade prompts. Once the (copy of the ) Master Database has been upgraded you should be able to run the MonTel 32 bit client.
  12. Check it though on your machine.
  13. Now deploy the new MonTel 32bit client to every client machine. See the topic: Step How to set up the MonTel 32bit Client on each computer before doing this.

You may wish to automate the installation of the MonTel client perhaps using a batch file or by some other method, script or third party tool on your network. For more information see the topic: How to automate Montel client set up using a batch file.
