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How to use EdUser32

When you first open EdIni32 (or EdMon32) you will be presented with a number of tab options, with the tab option for the Users screen selected (as the most likely place you will want to edit).

In most cases each tab represents one section of the PABX.INI file. However the users section is broken into two tabs the Header in [Users] and [Users]. This is to allow the maximum area to display a list of users. The sections Department and Groups are different in layout, as they included a list of items that can grow and shrink, and each one of those items has at least one entry (in the case of groups - many). A final section Show INI file changes will allow you to review the changes before saving them, though this is only useful if you are currently familiar with the layout of a PABX.INI file. Please note though, that because of this tool, this level of knowledge is no longer required to be a MonTel administrator. The other sections share a common format, and entries may be added or deleted from time to time. The other sections Program and TimeZone for are called general sections, though the Program section has been shortened to a few specific entries.

When you have made the changes in the INI file, you can use the Apply button to activate then changes, in sections such as the header, that may affect how other sections are displayed. When all the changes are complete, press apply, and then either use the menu or the tool bar to save the file.

You can see when the file was last updated, and which section you are editing, in the status bar on the very bottom of the EdIni32 window.
